Services Offered
Patient Education
Having a healthy, beautiful smile begins with knowing how to care for your teeth.

1.  Most importantly, regular checkups by your trusted dentist are a must.  Prevention and identifying potential trouble before it develops into a major problem will save you both money and pain.

2.  Knowing how to brush and clean your teeth in between checkups will prevent cavities and gum disease.

3.  Visiting your dentist for improved beauty of your smile will increase your attractiveness and sense of well being.  Dr. Jas Grewal is not only a general dentist, but is a certified provider of orthodontic services who provides a complete set of services geared to give you the best smile possible.

4.  Join our Smile Shine Dental family and let us be your family dentist. 

5.   Learn more here:

Learning the Basics
Dr. Jas Grewal, DDS
(209) 895-5440
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